Contact info
The contact numbers for any information on Amy’s whereabouts are 112, 952 487 036, 062, 686 044 181 and 952 474 030. 0034686044181
Amy has black hair, is 1.65m tall, and was wearing black track suit bottoms and a T-Shirt with the word ‘Diesel’ when she was last seen.

Add :www.helpfinda.bebo.com
Email: helpfinda@gmail.com
Amy's family are petitioning for an alert system in Europe similar to the Amber Alert in America so that information about missing children can be disseminated quickly.
We are campaigning in an appeal to the European Parliament for European Alert System to be put in place for Missing Children
We are asking all parents, Grand-parents, extended family, friends and there children to sign our petition it only takes a couple of seconds to sign
Christopher Fitzpatrick (Amy Fitzpatrick Dad) Christine Kenny (Amy's Fitzpatrick Aunt), Billy Kenny, Christine’s family, Joe Power, Claudine Hope, Maura & Joe Martin, Sandra & Alan O'Brien www.miss.ie, are Backing the Campaign in an appeal to The European Parliament. We need your support too. Please sign our petition and Make the Politicians listen to us.
We are also looking for volunteer's in Ireland and in European countries to help assist in our on-going campaign to get signatures on the petition to get a European Alert System set into place. Please Email Us
HERE is the link to the petition itself.
I read your blog almost every day, and it saddens me so. All these beautiful women just gone, it is just so sad.
Melissa, thank you for reading the stories of missing mothers. It's a labor of love that most of them didn't receive. I feel compelled to make their stories known so that they may be honored and hopefully someone will be helped in the process.
ON NEW YEAR’S DAY 2008, at 10pm, Amy Fitzpatrick said goodbye to her close friend Ashley Rose, with whom she had been babysitting Ashley’s brother at her friend’s house in Mijas Costa. Amy should have arrived at her home on the urbanisation Riviera del Sol in Mijas Costa, near Fuengirola, at about 10:10pm, as it was only a short walk away. But, she never arrived home and has not been heard from or seen since that night.
Amy was 15 at the time of her disappearance; she has black hair, (it could be dyed blonde again), blue eyes and has a pale complexion. She is 1.65m tall and was wearing dark coloured crushed velvet tracksuit bottoms and a black T-shirt with the word “DIESEL” in various different colours when she was last seen. Although Amy is Irish she speaks with an English accent as the area she is from is predominantly British. Amy also had her right front tooth rebuilt 3 years ago. She had no money, phone or passport as she was still on her Mum’s passport. She was wearing her friend’s clothes and carrying a bag of her own dirty clothes.
She turned 17 on the 7th February 2009. Amy is originally from Clare Hall on Dublin’s North side and she moved to The Costa del sol with us five years ago
Her computer and phone have been checked thoroughly and nothing was found to suggest she has left voluntarily with someone. Amy has numerous sites on social networking sites, e.g. bebo, my space, face book and MSN and none of them have been touched since she went missing.
Although the probability that she may have left voluntarily fades with each passing month, lack of any useful evidence keeps it a possibility, none the less. It may be the case that due to the amount of publicity involved, she is afraid to make contact.
We have not given up hope that new information will come to light, despite the time elapsed. We are calling on the public to provide information: It could be residents in the area, it could be anyone who was on holiday there at the time, it could be anyone at all. Please keep your ears and eyes open. Please send us any information you have no matter how insignificant it may seem. There has to be one person somewhere who knows something.
No-one has been caught, which means they are still out there. If it happened once it can happen again.
This has been the hardest year of our lives without Amy and we need her back so we can get our lives back on track.
We are still no closer to finding Amy and we urge anyone who can help us to find her to contact the relevant number s below.
Amy’s Mam: 0034 617 561 319
Or missingamy@live.co.uk
SPANISH POLICE 0034 952 479 030
To speak to the police in English 0034 636 079 619
Amy’s official website is www.missingamy.com
Amy’s official bebo page is http://www.bebo.com/helpustofindamy
To download Amy’s poster and display it please click on this link
If you have a website please consider putting Amy’s poster or link to her poster on your site.
Thank you
Audrey Fitzpatrick
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