Hitting a brick wall is what it feels like to the children of Sandra Travis and many others who have a missing loved one. You hit that brick wall so many times it's a wonder it doesn't leave bruises. All of the bruises are hidden within a broken heart unlike some of Sandra's bruises which were visible on her tiny body.
Sandra Travis was living in a violent marriage when she disappeared July 31, 2005 from Mayfield, Kentucky, a rural area near the borders of Illinois and Tennessee. Sandra took a lot of punches over the years from her husband, Bobby Travis, probably another man who treated his wife as a piece of property, there to do his bidding, no caring for the way she felt.
Many women in rural areas believe they are supposed to live this way. This is the unbroken circle going back generations in some families and carrying forward to the children of today. In some families hunting dogs are given better care by their master than the wife and mother living in the home. I'll speculate Sandra's life was just as many others, doing everything in their power to please the one who thinks nothing of using them as a punching bag when the notion hits. Living in daily fear that this day will be just like the last one, Sandra most likely was beaten to death that last day of July.
According to information found online, Bobby Travis had sad news for the family, he said Sandy died while on a trip to Illinois visiting other family members. When that story was easily proved false, he had another ready. The "whore" left with a truck driver and was never heard from again! As he continues to abuse Sandra by lying about her, she has never been found, the abuser is still victimizing.
It's reported that Graves County has a new Sheriff that is willing to take a second look at Sandra's disappearance, a new set of eyes on the evidence. Bobby Travis has been a "person of interest" for quite some time, but there doesn't seem to be much movement towards justice for Sandra Kay Travis. Her daughter, Dawn Vowell, is certain there is someone else who knows what happened to her mother, but lips are sealed and Bobby Travis isn't cooperating, either. All it would take is a search warrant to search the property near where Sandra was last seen, but that has not been forthcoming.
In the meantime, Sandra Travis is just another missing mother, forgotten by many, but not forgotten by her family who loved her dearly. Every day they face that brick wall, the same brick wall many family members across our country hit when there seems to be nowhere else to turn, no one else to listen, and nothing active happening in their case.
Justice Interrupted will be presenting Sandra's case and Dawn Vowell, her daughter will be a guest on Justice Interrupted Radio tonight, Tuesday, March 24th starting at 11PM Eastern time. Investigator Vito Colucci will join the panel to discuss this case.

Please join us at Peace4 the Missing
Network and Support for families of the missing and victims of crime.
Contrary to popular belief, I search for Sandra every day, and have for two years. I do not represent the family of Sandy, however, am a advocate for the missing. The evidence is building.
Tom Loos Sr, Ky licensed private investigator.
Thank you for your comment and thank you for searching for Sandy. I hope that there will be resolution for her family soon.
I live in the area of Western Ky where Sandra Travis disappeared. And this case has been of special interest to me. I have tried to keep abreast of anything that nmight be happening as far as the "investigation" is going. There is never any mention in the local media about the case other than it is still under invsetigation. Frznkly,from what I've seen locally there has never been a "serious" investiagation by local law enforcement. A quick cursory search of the property & a few questions asked. Which were answered by numerous lies & story changes. And then NOTHING!!!!
Unless you have followed this case on line about Mr. Tom Loos Sr. He is the original "PRIVATE" Investigator on the case. Detective Loos P.I. took this case Pro Bono. and has never given up on his search for the truth about what happened to Sandra Travis. If the evidence detective Loos has presented had been taken seriously & followed up on this case may have been solved long ago.
Instead, we locals watch the "Prime Suspect" go around town foot lose & fancy free. But, even if the "Prime Suspect" isn't guilty something happened to Sandra Kay Travis & someone knows what it was. Her family deserves to have closure & Sandra deserves justice.
This time it was Sandra Travis. Next time it could be you or me.
FYI....Anyone interested....Detective Loos is going to be in Mayfield for a book signing in the near future. Place & date to be announced later. I for one can't wait to read Det. Loos book on Sandy Travis' case.
Please help by making a "purchase donation" to the Sandy Travis Billboard Project" Thank You, Tom Loos, Sr. Missing Person Advocate.
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