
Monday, June 30, 2008

Becca's Law

I am doing something a little different on a blog about missing mothers. This case will pull your heartstrings, but at the same time it will outrage you to your core.

Someone, EVERYONE, must stand up for Victim's Rights and this case should be the one to spur us into action.

We Need A "Becca's Law"
Sunday, 29. June 2008, 12:25:28

sexual bause, Aden McEvoy, sexual abuse, Becca McEvoy, Crawford vs Washington, Child Abuse

I am writing concerning a case here in Mobile, Al. that involves my recently deceased baby cousin Becca. Becca died this past Jan. 14, 2008 as a result of a car wreck. She was seriously injured and stayed on life support for 10 days from which she never recovered. Unfortunately her death came while awaiting Grand Jury in Mobile, Al.

Before her death Rebecca suffered over a year of rape & sodomy and other unspeakable acts from Bob Ingle. He was her step-father/cop at the time of the abuse.

The reason for my concern now, is that an even greater injustice may occur due to her untimely death. Due to" Crawford V' Washington "a law that not only supports the right to cross examine the victim but, also stops a lot of testimonial evidence. In cases such as Becca's this law stands in the way of justice. Under Crawford statements made to friends or anybody as a cry for help is acceptable.

However, this law works backwards for the victims of sexual abuse. It stops police reports, counselor’s statements, and often-medical personnel from being used in these cases. Everybody has a 6th amendment right under our constitution but under Crawford they have taken away almost all the victims rights.

Certainly, in a case such as Becca's where the victim is no longer available for cross-examination due to death. I find it quite disturbing that our system puts these children through the whole process of exam, counseling, and police statements and then does not even accept it in the court of law.

I would like to see Crawford amended and a law enforced for victims like precious little Becca. At age 9 she had no rights because, he took them from her and still he has more rights under our backwards justice system that works in the favor of the perpetrator.

I want National media attention to this case because; already the police statements and counselors have been thrown out due to Crawford. My family has suffered enough and now we are suffering even more due to this flawed judicial system.

We need a "Becca's law" stating that in cases where the victim becomes deceased the testimonial evidence has to be accepted - an exception to the Crawford rule. This needs to be one so, we don't invite perpetrators to kill their victim's in order for Crawford to work in their favor.

I can't believe a law that promotes so much more crime could have been passed. If Crawford goes uncorrected then there will definitely be more killings when our justice system fails these children.

People will take the laws in their own hands because; the current ones do not protect our children. Perpetrators will be encouraged to kill the victims!

Becca McEvoy suffered and many others have as well at this mans hands but none willing to testify due to the fact they are all his family. They previously gave statements and then later recanted after Becca's death. It’s a shame my 9 yr. old cousin was the bravest of all and treated the worst.

Now, we Rebecca's family will fight until there is justice and corrections made for her. We want her last wish fulfilled and him + other pedophiles punished for such horrific crimes of children under 12. Please, help us with this very important matter before it's too late.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Peggy Dianovsky

Peggy Dianovsky is the mother of three beautiful sons, Andrew, Bobby, and John, who were still quite young in 1982 and living in Schaumberg, Illinois. They lived the rest of their childhood without a mother in a home with a man who later would go on trial for her murder.
It is stated that the boys were not allowed to talk about Peggy after she was gone, the unspoken rule from Robert Dianovsky, their father. Robert married another Peggy who also had 3 boys, so it was a blended family with no trace of the original Peggy Dianovsky. The boys say when they asked about their mother Robert would reply that he couldn't remember, and that as they were growing up they didn't even know when her birthday was. She was erased from their lives.
At age 31 Andrew was a middle school teacher, and apparently started remembering things from the night of September 12, 1982. After intense therapy he was able to recall a violent fight that night, seeing his father holding a butcher knife to his mother's throat. This was a mere 24 hours before Peggy Dianovsky would disappear for good.
Very close to finalizing a settlement on their divorce, the boys recalled a few louder than normal fights between the couple, who had their share of them over the course of the marriage. The last one being the worst, the loudest and most violent.
Robert Dianovsky reported Peggy missing 5 days after the night of the last fight. Reported her missing, but, as Robert states, leaving voluntarily, taking a few clothes, and leaving behind her 3 boys, her car, and her last paycheck.
Where did all their memories go? Hidden in the minds of three little boys was a mother who made a ritual of tucking them in and kissing them every night. But that night they were told she was too tired. What other lies were they fed in that home over the course of 20 years?
Finally, Robert Dianovsky was arrested for Peggy's murder after his 3 sons urged authorities to reopen the case, feeling safe that they could now share their most secret memories. There was no body and no other physical evidence, a circumstantial case.
Robert received an aquittal in a 2004 bench trial, the judge ruling that she was probably murdered, but there was insufficient evidence to prove that Robert did it. Although Peggy has never been found, foul play is suspected in her disappearance.
How can a man live with himself, his sons, and a new family after completely obliterating the mother of his children?
I guess some do get away with murder, don't they?

Listen to the following radio show. Intimate Partner Homicide Investigates with hosts, Sheryl McCollum, Holly Hughes, and Susan Murphy-Milano. Just push PLAY to hear the discussion about Peggy's case with her brother, Gus and sister, Anne.

Listen to internet radio with Susan Murphy Milano on Blog Talk Radio

Friday, June 27, 2008

Lilly Aramburo Needs OUR Help NOW

Once again it is time to mobilize.

There has been new evidence uncovered that may be able to bring Lilly home to her family and friends and give answers to them.

Once again, MDPD has been dragging their feet. They have been informed that the area you will see in the above pictures may be where the remains of Lilly Aramburo lie and they have not made any arrangements to conduct a search of the land.

Let's all unite our efforts to bring Lilly home.

Please take the time to email MDPD, news media, post on your blogs, message boards and forums.

This area may have promise to bring the resolution we have all been working so hard to find.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Toni Ann Bachman

Toni Ann Bachman is a missing mother who has done so much for other mothers and mothers-to-be all across the internet. She started a website called Toni's Angel Pages. It is a pregnancy support page for those women who find it hard to conceive. After five miscarriages she was finally pregnant, but the child who was only conceived 22 weeks prior, Michael George, died in her arms. It is devastating for any mother to read her words which are still on that website. It has been kept as a memorial to her through the years and there is a poignant message from her step-son, how he felt about her kindness and love.

White Bear Lake Township, Minnesota is the place Toni lived with her husband, Norman and his three sons, and her home is the last place she was seen, April 25, 1997. There must have been stresses in the marriage in 1997 as Toni had asked Norman for a divorce and it is reported he was not happy with that news. Toni was reported missing by her mother on May 12, 1997.

According to her husband she left a note saying she was leaving with another man and he says that she called him the next day. There has been no note found and phone records indicate no phone call was made. Norman Bachman was questioned about his wife's habits and when she was last seen. His answers were contradictory and one month after Toni disappeared, officers searched their home. Blood and tissue found in the freezer were determined to belong to Toni Bachman and investigators report that there were patterns indicating someone wiping up the spatters.

Foul play is obviously suspected, but no charges have ever been brought forth. Norman starting dating shortly after Toni vanished and even asked out one of her online friends from the pregnancy support group.

Norman Bachman has had several arrests on charges such as domestic and sexual assault, one incident witnessed by one of his small sons. He was sued for wrongful death by Toni's family although he has never been arrested in connection with her vanishing.

It is distressful that a woman who so wanted to bring life into this world, has been taken out of it in such a tragic way. Toni Ann Bachman's remains have not been found and she is still considered missing. (a personal site written by Toni)

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Stacy Ann Peterson

So much has already been written about Stacy Peterson. I am not going to try to debate any issues about her or her disappearance. I will only attempt to honor her through her role as a mother.

Stacy was a very young mother to 2 adopted boys, Kristopher and Thomas Peterson. Their own mother, Kathleen Savio had been found dead in her bathtub, and Stacy adopted the two boys when she married their father, Drew Peterson.

Stacy and Drew went on to have 2 more children, Anthony and Lacy. In pictures you can see the love oozing from Stacy for all of these children and you get the feeling that she took her role as mother seriously.

Stacy had so much to deal with at such a young age. Years earlier her own mother, Christie Cales, went missing and to this date has never been found. Stacy then took on the role of protector of her younger brother and sister. She suffered another loss when an older sister, Tina, died of cancer. Much has been speculated about her mental state at the time of her disappearance, but also much has been stated about the fact that she would never leave these children and abandon her role as mother.

What are these children dealing with? The two older boys have now lost 2 mothers. They must feel abandoned and hurt by this, despite what has been said. The 2 younger children probably just had a chance to learn about how important a mother's love can be. All of these children have to be suffering and that alone would pull at the heartstrings of any mother.

Although it is said that Drew Peterson has taken on the role of "Mr. Mom", how can that replace a mother's love. It never can, it is not possible. A mother's heart knows when her child is hurting or happy like no other, it is a strange intuition we are blessed, or cursed, with at the birth of our children. I would speculate that if Stacy Peterson has run off somewhere, the tug on her heart would have brought her back to her children by now. They love her and miss her and need her, and she knows that, whether she is still in this world or not.

I miss thee, my Mother! Thy image is still
The deepest impressed on my heart.
~Eliza Cook

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Ruth Sharon Hoffman

Ruth, (my Mother, Ruth Sharon Hoffman) was a wonderful woman, who got dealt a bad hand early off in life.

She took that bad hand and turned it into a royal flush. Her mom had 11 children and had to put most of them into foster care..

My mom was one of the first ones to get out of foster care and get a job. Then she met my dad and they instantly fell in love. They were married within two months. Then, they worked together getting her siblings out of foster care..

They took them (her siblings) one by one until they could find a job and an apartment. My mom has done so much good in her life..

Everyone loved her and she loved everyone. She was always helping someone, even people she did not know. This woman had a voice like an angel, and even taught herself how to play the piano..

This is only the beginning of the story written by a daughter who has been searching for her mother over 20 years. The questions are never answered and the hurt continues.

This case is probably the poster case for change in the way law enforcement handles missing adult cases.

When Ruth came home the night of June 29, 1986, battered and raped, she took a bath, changed clothes and told her daughter, Debbie, she was going for a walk. She was naturally upset by what happened to her and vowed not to let "them" get away with what they had done to her. That was the last time anyone has seen Ruth Sharon Hoffman.

Debbie did it all right, she reported her mother missing, only to be told to wait a week and come back. She followed the direction given to her by law enforcement to a tee. She called and called to learn of the progress in the case, until they told her to stop bugging them. She took it in stride and believed they were working on the investigation.

Debbie plastered her missing mother all over the internet. Message boards, blogs, Myspace pages, anywhere and everywhere she talked about her missing mother. She hired private detectives to help move the case along.

October, 2004....Debbie and her husband asked to see the file on Ruth Sharon Hoffman's investigation. There was no case file, there was no missing person's report, there was no listing in data bases. In 2005 she formally filed another missing person's report only to find the detective had been removed from the case and told to find a cold case detective.

This story is the story of everything gone wrong. Debbie has suffered not only in loosing her mother, but physically as well. She vowed to never stop looking and to bring this case to justice. She has suffered more setbacks than should be allowed in her quest, yet she, and now her daughter Tasha continue to keep the search alive.

The procedures and legislation for missing adults has to change and be enforced. Yes, those who are family members of the missing have to take on part of the responsibility of this, but ultimately it falls to our law enforcement agencies to follow the procedures correctly. Time is of the essence when someone goes missing and now it has been almost 22 years for Ruth Sharon Hoffman. She may be out there somewhere, but it's getting late.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Alice Donovan

Gallivants Ferry, SC is just an old, small, rural southern town. Spanish moss drips from the live oaks just as you would imagine. This is the place Alice Donovan and her family moved to from New England to build their dream home and live out the rest of their dreams.

According to family members, Alice didn't always have a dreamy life. She was mistreated during childhood, left home at 16 and married a man who abused her for 17 years. She and her 2 daughters, Angie and Jennifer, finally made the split and she was able to start living her life with no fear.

Alice met the man of her dreams and in 1997 they moved to South Carolina. Within the next few years her daughters and their families joined them so that they could all interact as a family should. They were all very close.

November 14, 2002 Alice went to the local Wal-Mart in Conway, not far from their home. The security tape shows Alice being car-jacked and kidnapped from their parking lot. Alice made a phone call to her daughter, explaining that she was okay. Later it was told that she sounded stressed and that she was not able to talk freely. That was the last word from her.

I personally remember following this in the news, wondering when she would turn up. This case haunted the local news for quite some time. They found that Alice's credit cards had been used around Little River and again in Raleigh, NC. Still, there was hope that she would be found alive somewhere.

Her car was found in Goshen, IN, days later, abandoned by the two scumbags (I will not give their names anymore ink) who took her away, assaulted and murdered her. Two escapees from a KY prison who were on a crime spree that spread over two weeks and several states.

Time went on, searches took place, the two murderers were captured, tried, and sentenced to death row. Alice's remains have never been found. The murderers refuse to tell what they did with her.

We know the fate that Alice suffered. She deserved so much better than that, but now, after all these years her daughters and family members still don't know where she is.

How can human beings be so full of evil that they would continue to taunt their victims? Why? They have no secrets any longer, they will die on death row, why won't they tell us where she is? It seems so simple, and just the right thing to do.

My heart goes out to Angie and Jennifer and Alice's family who have to live this every day.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Rebecca Pauline Gary

Becky Gary was a young, single mother working as a waitress to support herself and her daughter. At the time of her disappearance she had allegedly been having an affair with then Governor of Louisiana, Edwin Edwards. Her plan that December was to break off the affair.

December of 1988 doesn't seem like such a long time ago for most of us, but for Jamie Williams it must feel like eternity, or just yesterday. She was a young girl when her mother, Becky Gary, put her on a bus to spend Christmas holidays with other family members in Shreveport, Louisiana. I would imagine to a little girl it seemed a harsh thing to do, and she reportedly argued with her mother about it at the bus station. Little did Jamie know at the time that it would be the last words she spoke to her mother.

According to Becky Gary's apartment manager, her lights and coffee pot were on, bath water was in her tub, and her purse, car, keys and all her clothes were left behind. Her suitcase was on her bed as if she were packing to leave. There were no signs of struggle. Rebecca Pauline Gary has never been seen or heard of since that night of December 27, 1988.

Where did she go on such short notice, taking nothing with her? Was she so afraid of something that she just ran out of her home never to look back? Where is the manilla envelope she carried always and hid under her bed? That envelope could be holding the keys to solving this mystery, for Becky told her family that if anything should happen to her they should open the envelope.

The manilla envelope is missing as well as Rebecca Gary. Both vanished at the same time. Jamie Williams has gone ahead with her life, but constantly sees her mother, constantly searches for her, constantly questions what could have happened.

Where are the clues? Someone knows and has the answer for Jamie, the young daughter left behind.

Faye Aline Self

Faye Self

Children share a bond with their mother like no other. A mother gives birth, nurtures and guides the growth of a child. A child looks to their mother for everything. What happens to that child if its mother goes missing? It is left with an emptyness nothing can describe, a desparate longing to know, and a lifelong journey without a mother's love or touch.

Faye Aline Self was decribed as having a wild streak in 1983. She was a young mother of two lovely daughters, one just an infant. She loved her little girls, and by all accounts would never just leave them. But what happened the night of March 30, 1983 at the Wagon Wheel Bar? Who were the friends she was with that night?

It has been 25 long years and these questions have never been fully answered for her daughters. There have been two instances where two separate confessed serial killers have tried to claim they murdered her. Still, the questions continue and the truth is still hidden.

Her daughters are now grown women with children of their own. The pain and grief of their loss is still with them every day. They want to know.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Viridiana Maldonado

Viridiana Maldonado was a young mother. She had her first child at age 15 or 16. She married and had another child four years later. Her husband, Jorge, was in the Army stationed at Ft. Lewis near Tacoma, WA.

According to news accounts they had trouble in their marriage which led "Viri" to take out an Order of Protection against Jorge. Apparently she had had enough and moved back to her family in North Charleston, SC with her 2 children, leaving Jorge in WA.

She lived with her mother and sister in an apartment on Dunbar Ave., along with her children. She held a postition with a local restaurant, La Nortena, and her boss was a friend of the family. From all accounts she was making a go of it with the support of her family.

On the evening of Oct. 11, 2007 she came home, changed her clothes and said she was going out with her sister in law, Vicky Roberts, for the evening. Nothing unusual was said to her family, nothing unusual about her demeanor that night. Just a night out with friends.

Her family reports that approximately 2am they received text messages from her cell phone. This was odd, because Viridiana did not usually text message them. One said she was in downtown Charleston, drinking with a man named Miguel. The next message said she was on her way home to Mexico. That was the last activity on her cell phone....ever.

Six days later her bank account, with a balance of about $1000, was closed by telephone and a cashiers check was sent to Tacoma, WA. It has not been reported who made that phone call, who closed that account, and who received the money.

There are a slew of strange circumstances surrounding this disappearance.

Vicky Roberts, her sister in law, says she was not with her and had not seen her for 2 weeks prior to Oct. 11.

Viridiana's estranged husband, Jorge, left the Army, moved back to North Charleston and claimed his child. He is reported to have been cooperative with police in the investigation.

Who is Miguel? Her family states they never heard Viri speak about any man named Miguel. Did she just meet him somewhere that night, or did she know him beforehand?

What is happening in this case now? Are these questions being answered for her mother and family? Apparently, they don't think enough is being put into the investigation and it looks like a lot of clues are getting cold as time goes by.

We have 2 small children who don't know what happened to their Mommy, a young, beautiful woman who was loved and cared for by her family in her times of trouble. Viridiana, just as so many others, is being forgotten. The longer we let these questions go unanswered, the colder the trail gets, and it happens all too often.

Another missing Mother vanishes in the night. Where do they go?


Lilly was no one I knew, no one that I would ever know, so what is it that has drawn me to her?


I started on this case researching the players, Christen Pacheco and the group that he was involved in. The players are many and they come from lots of different backgrounds. It was interesting research, to say the least. The things I found were not pretty, sexy, juicy or hot news. These people are roaming the streets, not only of Miami, but my town and yours. I don't want to think that they are just cold blooded murderers, but I do think they are capable of it, and more importantly, capable of hiding the truth.

Just as there are many characters in a saga, there are many here. They will be brought out, one by one, as time goes by, I have no doubt. They are slippery, transient, and travel all over the country by any means they can find. They really have no careers or jobs for that matter, and the thing that occupies their "working" hours would be panhandling, odd jobs, or looking for the one that will take care of their needs for as little or as long as necessary before they move on.

Lilly, for a time was involved with these people, but she knew she wanted something different for her life and her son, Palden. She was drawn back into the web, probably by the promise of love, security for Palden, and a better life. What she found was not what she was looking for.

A lot of this story is just unfolding, in real time, in real life. People are becoming aware that women don't just vanish onto alien mother-ships. Statistics will show that the number one cause of death for pregnant women is murder at the hands of the child's father. What are the statistics showing on women who just vanish? Are there any?

Whether it be Stacy Peterson or Lilly Aramburo, a life is a life, and all valued at the same price. A story is a story, just the writers change and the perspective of that writer. We are writing the stories of Missing Mothers, starting with honoring Lilly Aramburo. There is much more to be written about Lilly and hopefully for her son, Palden, it will have a happy ending.

The butterfly will spread it's wings and show the beauty of its colors to the world.

Missing Mothers

Mother and Child

I started this blog today to have a place to put down my personal thoughts and observations about missing person's cases involving mothers. It seems to me that so many young women are just vanishing, getting little or no media coverage, and minimal help from law enforcement agencies.

I would like to focus on different cases of missing mothers that I have run into from a variety of sources. I would also like to link to agencies which can help the families of these missing mothers in any capacity. It is a frustration that I have been seeing more and more as I read different message boards and blogs which report missing people. Many times the internet is the only exposure some of these cases will ever get.

I have made many great contacts over the last few months and continue to educate myself and make myself available to any who are sincerely and actively working for the cause of finding missing people.

Missing children, as they should, receive so much attention through Amber Alerts, Megan's Law, and several other proactive legislation. Missing mothers are often victims of abuse at the hands of a spouse or boyfriend and often times accused of walking away from their lives. They get very little attention from Law Enforcement simply for that reason.

I would like to be an agent of change for these women.

I would like to bring these cases to the mainstream so that they are recognized for what they are.

I would love to see a movement to help victims of abuse before they become missing mothers.

I sincerely hope, as readers, you will join me.
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